Redesigned Website

We are proud to announce our entirely new website, located here at! The Board has spent a while redesigning the page from the ground up for easier, functional access to photos, videos, and updates that SASA has throughout the year! From galleries to videos and updated context, the new SASA website is definitely one…

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A huge congratulations to our favorite South Asian Dance Troupe MASTI for placing 1st in the Cultural Category at the Annual Showdown! Check out the winning performance here and photos from the event here. Credits go to Brendon Moye for the awesome video and Christopher Huang for the photos. Congrats again MASTI!


Senior Farewell 2014

This past May, SASA got together to commemorate the class of 2014 in our Senior Farewell! SASA has been fortunate to have such an amazing class of seniors. From delicious South Asian food to senior speeches and gifts, it was the perfect way to thank them for all the support they’ve given us for the past…

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Potluck 2014

Our annual Potluck was filled with friends, food, and holiday spirit! Each class was in charge of entrees, drinks, appetizers, and desserts. It was a great end to the Fall semester!

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